Mr Shankly.

Mr Shankly.
Enough's said.

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

The Pixies - Doolittle

Recently I have discovered The Pixies 2nd studio album 'Doolittle', I know it's 20 years late. The album has a very strong start with mean bass line of Debaser, and Frank Black's distinctive singing style, create a great opening track that should have been continued throughout the whole album but for me, there are few other songs on the album which impress me, favourites being 'Here Comes Your Man', 'This Monkey's Gone To Heaven', 'Mr. Grieves' and 'Crackity Jones'. However all other songs on the album are not as good, this disappointed me as I had heard good reviews and been recommended their material, but the aforementioned songs saved the album for me, which I would give 6/10 on account of an amount of songs being album fillers, but also those great tracks boosting it up to a 6.

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